Hi Fey, great thread! It's tough sifting through all the macros trying to find good ones that work effectively here on Nos. I'm kind of new to making macros here, but I fiddled with your attack macro and came up with the following:
/run PetDefensiveMode()PetAttack();if CheckInteractDistance("target",3)and(not PlayerFrame.inCombat)then AttackTarget()elseif not IsAutoRepeatAction(3)then CastSpellByName("Auto Shot") end
/run if not buffed("Hunter's Mark",'target') then cast("Hunter's Mark") end
I added "/run PetDefensiveMode()PetAttack();" because I use Q for this macro and I have "/run PetPassiveMode()PetFollow()" on an Alt-Q key bind. The latter makes it much easier for me to control my pet when peeling/pulling and especially when I get click happy and send my pet at the wrong target lol.
I added "/run if not buffed("Hunter's Mark",'target') then cast("Hunter's Mark") end" but sadly, it requires Supermacro to work. It works great though, always casting hunter's mark right as the auto-attack starts.
Hopefully, I'll be able to research this some more and find a way to make it all work without Supermacro and even possibly add a modifier to combine the "/run PetPassiveMode()PetFollow()" into it to free up another action bar slot. Will be tough to get it in under the 255 char limit though, if not impossible.
My interface:
Thanks for everything, I really appreciate your hunter tips..
Hi guys, I've been gone a while but I recently came back and I tweaked the Attack/Pet/Mark macro and it works great! I was able to get it under the 255 limit, so now it works fine without Supermacro.
/run PetDefensiveMode()PetAttack();if CheckInteractDistance("target",3)and(not PlayerFrame.inCombat)then AttackTarget()elseif not IsAutoRepeatAction(1)then cast("Auto Shot") end if not buffed("Hunter's Mark",'target') then cast("Hunter's Mark") end
Thanks to Fey for this, truly, it was their macro to begin with, I just added the hunter's mark to make 1 less item needed on the hotbars.