by Cysthen » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:30 am
I would say if you have a Drake Talon Cleaver, Hoj, and about half of the bis list on my guide it is kind of fun pvp. The best spec is probably Beastmaster for 2 in Frenzy than 3% Crit and Counterattack in Survival. Get all the Improved Monkey/Parry along the way. I usually just use my rotation macro in PVP also. If you respecced Counterattack you can just put it in the macro as well.
If you want to PVP with the PVE spec theres a silly combo. Rapter Strike, Scatter Shot, (wait) Rapter Strike. I have popped Deterrence a few times and killed a few rogues. This is mostly focus'd on PVE but I will welcome any PVP related questions and answer based on my previous experiences.