by Issir » Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:32 pm
Oh, and btw - is Disengage works properly on Nost? (pvp case, not pve - seems that it works for PvE)
Isn't it supposed to drop combat mode if you:
1)disoriented your PvP target
2)then pushed Disengage carefully without an autoattack on him
3)trapped your target without FD waste????
"Character exits combat mode." - that's what tooltip says.
I remember that Disengage was a crap ability even back in TBC and it had the same mechanic as in Vanilla, but I don't remember the details about combat mode and combat mode tricks, since you could actually lay traps in combat.
Could any pro PvP hunter from old Vanilla\TBC days confirm - is Disengage supposed to drop combat in PvP or not if it used carefully without autoattacks\pet spam?