by Organicblaze » Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:46 am
Guys please del yourselve from the list if klill some demon. im sure Geist killed WS.
Keep list clear plz. And Rosefang done with the quest...
i think we need to made how to guide...
for WS demon (Artorius)
1. great shadow protection potion
2. restorative potion
3. food buff/scrolls buff/ juju power etc...
4. priest buff
5. Elixir of Demonslaying
demonslaying enchants etc...
rotation&kite path:
- speak with the demon in spawning point
- dismiss pet, mark the demon
- put freezing trap
- aimed shot
-demon traped in freezing trap, aimed again
Kite him in the circle.
start applying serpent sting rank8
- arcane shot r1
-start spaming SS r8
- keep using arcane shot r1 on CD
- dont lose aggro like me on my last try
- 9 stacks of serpent will be enough
if you fail pass to next hunter to try
demon must be killed in 15min or he will despawn
if he despawn cd will be reseted to 3h
if someone despawn the demon during the fight cd is 7h for respawn.
Good Luck guys. i will try again. Last time i fail after camping him for about 3 days:/
Wish me luck! i will need it!
Best regards!
Maugli - nelf hunter
raider of <INSOMNIA>