Cysthen wrote:Lazermon wrote:In what way is a melee hunter a better option over having all of the offtanks not currently tanking do it?
Even if a offtank is using it that doesn't stop the hunter from proccing it, every argument on having a warrior or shaman do it doesn't make the hunter doing it bad. You could even have both if you want to argue that. That and a warrior is not always "not currently tanking". You build more threat with sword and board offtanking of course.
You still proc it just as much when someone else in the raid is using it.
Melee is better than ranging if you have 10+ casters in the raid.
*cough* arcane shot *cough*
Your "Melee is better than ranging if you have 10+ casters" argument assumes that the nigthfall proc will not be up unless you are doing it, this is obviously false on a majority of fights. Guilds bring around 4 tanks to every raid to handle a handful of encounters, and for the rest of the raid, most of those tanks don't do much at all.
You can argue that on some fights, the warriors will all be busy tanking, and therefore wont be able to keep the nightfall proc up. This is true for a meleeing hunter too.
Just to discuss BWL, on razorgore you are on kiting duty, on vael you risk getting the bomb, on firemaw you will need to run out more often than a offtank, on flamegor you need to be ready to tranq at all times, on chromag you need to be ready to tranq at all times and on nefarian you are taking a fear that the offtanks have the capability to dodge the majority of times.
I'm not against people having fun in an 11 year old game, but you seem to genuinely believe that you are bringing something to the raid that can't be done in any better way, and that the damage you sacrifice to do so is negligible compared to how much better you are at doing said thing over other alternatives.