Nemecis wrote:Ranix if someone interferes then you let that person try again, otherwise no one will get anywhere.
Here are the current rules:
-Gather at the spawnpoint for a demon you need to kill.
-If there are multiple hunters, check this list and make sure you get the right order (confirm this with the hunters present). If you are alone it's always your turn.
-If the hunter highest on the list fails (dies), the next hunter on the list can start fighting the demon. If that player dies, move to the next. Repeat this until the demon is killed.
-I've seen as many as 4 people fail, so even when you are fifth in line you should probably wait. In any case you can see how the demon should (not) be attacked.
-If you arrive while another hunter is killing the demon, but you are above them in the list... too bad! You are too late. Wait until the demon is killed and set your timer for 3 hours and be there early.
-Never attack the demon when another hunter is fighting it! Even when he is a dick and skipping the line. The demon will despawn. You can, however, attack the hunter if he is of the opposing faction (and you are SURE he is skipping the line). Just autoshots and concussive shots from max range will make him/her die real fast.
-Also try to make sure other players don't despawn the demon. So talk to members of your faction before they start buffing/healing the hunter that is fighting the demon or attack the demon itself.
-Respect the list and you will get your bow!
-When you are done, please remove yourself from the list.
Allowing someone a second try if their attempt is interfered with by someone sounds fair, but again, everyone would need to communicate about that so that no one goes ahead and starts anyway, and again, while they run back from the graveyard it just gives the demon more time to be potentially despawned. I think that this rule is fair under the two conditions that communication is effective across Alliance and Horde and between players at a given spawn point, and the hunter FEIGNS, and doesn't actually DIE, unless someone is nearby to resurrect. I'll give you an example of where this kindness caused a problem:
One time, I was waiting on the BS demon, when a Horde hunter further in line than me and the others present was ready to go. A rogue and hunter, both Alliance, ganked this hunter twice, and we decided to wait for the Tauren to return from the graveyard both times. In the meantime, the hunter pulled the demon, cutting in line ahead of everyone else, and even more frustratingly, or perhaps humorously depending on how you look at it, the rogue who was assisting attacked and despawned the demon while their guildie, the hunter with them, was fighting it. Despite any attempt to communicate with the rogue and hunter, they didn't respond, and there weren't enough Horde present to kill them.
Furthermore, the thought occurs to me that attacking lowbies or other people of the opposite faction in general at a given spawn point who aren't known to qualify for KOS seems to cause a situation to escalate. In my humble opinion, it would be more effective to simply allow the other faction to talk with anyone in the area, warning them away from the demon and whoever is challenging it. The rules state:
-Also try to make sure other players don't despawn the demon. So talk to members of your faction before they start buffing/healing the hunter that is fighting the demon or attack the demon itself.
So this is our responsibility. If we don't talk to the people of our faction who wander nearby, that's our fault. If you're of the opposite faction, try not to attack. I once disabled a rogue who was about to interfere with Solenor by flaring him the moment he stealthed and freezing him in a trap. That was a passive way to disable him while a hunter cleaned him up, since there were no Horde around to tell him otherwise, and upon my pleading emotes to not attack anything, he simply mounted up and went on his merry way. Easy! Although I'd say that communication should come first, if there's no alternative and you see someone of the opposite faction approaching the demon without interference, scatter and freeze ASAP. I'll give you another example of how attacking lowbies caused a nasty situation to escalate greatly:
Yesterday, I was in combat with Simone, the final demon I need for my quest, and there were two Horde hunters and two Alliance hunters on the scene. Many lowbies were passing nearby, and unfortunately a lot of mobs were respawning in inconvenient places, but no one was picking them up off of me, so I had to take a few difficult paths. The demon's dog even teleported on top of Simone twice mid-combat, which only made it worse for me, but about the other people nearby: The only other Alliance hunter on the scene was attempting to warn people away, but our Horde friends were attacking lowbies who wandered nearby, resulting in an angry 60 Alliance rogue attacking and killing them while I was fighting the demon. This resulted in no Horde hunters able to control Alliance lowbies, one very preoccupied Alliance hunter attempting to warn other lowbies away, no one, period, attempting to take extra mobs off me, and unfortunately, a level 51 druid got through to heal me, despite being told not to, resulting in the demon being despawned. Not a moment after it was despawned, I received a whisper from a low-level Alliance character belonging to one of the Horde hunters, accusing me of siccing the rogue on them so that I could get the kill, which obviously wasn't the case, and I cleared that up with them. It was a shitty situation to begin with, but it would have been a kill without people turning up the heat.
In other words, the intent to help is always appreciated, but you have to ask yourself if others are better suited to handle it, or at the very least if there's a better way for you to handle it, given whatever the situation at a spawn is.
In a best case scenario, people will either not wander nearby or will be aware of the quest ahead of time, and that the hunter doing it has to be alone, or they won't be presumptuous and start helping anyway. I think, aside from keeping demon spawn points a no-kill zone (except for people who qualify for kill-on-sight, including those who are confirmed at that very moment to be violating the rules, such as skipping in line or attacking other hunters on the scene with extreme prejudice), it would be an excellent idea to simply SPREAD THE WORD about this quest, and what it involves, on both factions. As a side note, I recall that the Alliance hunter accompanying me at Simone's spawn point was whispering lowbies, which obviously is inefficient. Yelling to stay away might alert many other people to the demon's existence, but I think it might be more effective if there are a lot of lowbies around, like there were at the time. Either is acceptable, I suppose, and the choice is up to the ones warning others away.
Our community of hunters surrounding this leaf quest has to remain mature and patient, both with one-another and anyone else on the server who might happen to share the space at demon spawn points with us. With all of this being said, does anyone else believe we could add onto the rules somehow, or do something to help prevent further despawns through a combined effort of some sort?