vathdaar wrote:wish i had been in that war with my ppl, would no longer be a war..but a simple eazyyy fight , and then i d despawn the demon, for fun you know.
despawning demons? wowwWWweEeEeoeoee you're pure evil
vathdaar wrote:wish i had been in that war with my ppl, would no longer be a war..but a simple eazyyy fight , and then i d despawn the demon, for fun you know.
bloodysam wrote:So today, day before respawn update me n other hunters said fuck it, we go for it on our own terms.
I'm not gonna bother with this retarded quest any more until more sensible timers.
bloodysam wrote:As I said before, 4 days I've not missed a single spawn. During this time I've helped guys regardless of faction with clearing trash, peeling adds, tacs and prep, while patiently waiting my turn. Only to find out, allys don't do the same for me (causing a failed atttempt) and hordes kill me and/or despawn it in my own attempts. So today, day before respawn update me n other hunters said fuck it, we go for it on our own terms.
I'm not gonna bother with this retarded quest any more until more sensible timers.