slangefar wrote:just stop bro
dont waste time on it.. as i said to you ingame, you "point" at roadkill 5 sec before he spawns, and we are all suppose to take that as "kill him" instantly? impossible sir. so just stop and just come back like we all do all the time.
As it shows clearly in this clip, 2 people got the message and pointed it out. All it came down to was whether or not you wanted to kill him with 3 aimed shots and frostbolt and instantly kill him, OR steal it for yourself. The issue wasn't whether or not that you understood it (like you tried to argue in game) or whether or no you can do it because with those 4 characters on 1 that's not expecting it you can easily kill him in "5 seconds" even though you actually had closer to 20 seconds because it was pointing it out before franklin even spawned or was talked to. Though it doesn't matter because the only one that despawned it was Slangefar(the one that agreed to let me go)
Namz wrote: You need to communicate with your own side, as we do with ours.
So i should blame you for everytime Vaze despawns it because he's "on your side" right? It doesn't work like that because no matter what you tell that moron he's not going to stop despawning it. Just like no matter what you tell this Roadkill moron he won't work together with anyone or say anything beisdes "I'm first or despawn".
I took care of Vaze for you guys because you couldn't deal with him. But you blame me for not being able to stop Roadkill when you could of just killed him. Sounds a bit ridiculous that you can't handle "your side" for shit and I have to deal with him but you won't even try to deal with "my side"
Namz wrote:Then you show up 10 mins before on a random try
I was there for almost an hr before this specific attempt farming Vaze for almost a whole hour while you sat there, I also knew the timer so why would I stay logged in the whole time when some horde could of killed me while i was tabbed out. I also was there every spawn today watching other hunters complete it because they were ahead on the list. I confirmed with Slangefar that i was going first before this one even spawned and he agreed. Then when it actually spawns the both of you just try to steal it. If he wanted it first I specifically asked him "I'm ahead on the list, what do you want to do about the next spawn" and his reply was "Whoever's first on list will get first try and so on".
Now you suddenly have a problem? I gave you the chance to speak up and explain anything like how you've been waiting but you decided to be assholes and just attempt to steal it without saying anything and then coming up with bullshit like "deal with your side" and "I didn't tell my mage to sheep, he's just a mage in my guild".Rofl.
Gazpy wrote:If everyone is actually kind enough to pass it's easier why everyone can't behave like Morbidly:< he da real MVP.
Unforunately the one of the people that despawned it off of me confirmed that i was going first(also had his friend sheep me after i tagged it so he would have a better chance)
Roadkill can't bother to add yourself on the list or explain why you should go first even though you're not on the list. The only thing you've said is "First or despawn".
I put myself on the list, I let people ahead of me go first and i confirmed it was my turn to go. As far as my knowledge went on that attempt was that Slangefar was going to respect it and help deal with Roadkill because he trapped him 3 hrs ago on Chogg's kill. But on my attempt after he agreed to letting me go first he had his mage sheep me so he could try to tag it but attacked it after my tag anyways. I was hoping the other hunters were going to take care of roadkill like 3 hrs ago but they had different ideas. No one asked me to pass, no one showed they had a problem besides the one idiot that refuses to put himself on the list or explain anything and he was dealt with the attempt before.