Chogg wrote:My advice on this quest is to not get greedy, greed is what causes despawns. The one thing that you KNOW will happen every spawn is the next hunter on the list whose turn it is will attack the spawn. Your best bet is to assist that hunter at all costs NEVER attack the spawn even if it seems chaos. Despawn is the absolute worst outcome, 7 hrs and then the hunter who was rightfully next in line who missed the kill because despawn will just have first attempt again. The other thing is to communicate with as many people as possible in the vicinity of the spawn, even non hunters. [...]
By a hundred times.
If you grief, other than hurting everyone else, you hurt your own chances.
I tried my best to always communicate with other hunters on both sides, respected the list and their tries. And they are done by now. I wouldn't be done now myself if it wasn't for people that did the same.
That being said I'd like to thank Gazpy, Chogg, Kvickekonny, Tsaza, Logtrap, Bigass and Zkalf for their support with help, informations or simply their fair respect to the list. And of course everyone else involved that I may have missed.