Hunter Macros & Tips [Redux]

Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Fey » Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:30 pm

Your efforts are nevertheless appreciated. Take your time, young one; there are certainly others able to do the testing for you, if only they would reply...
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Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Goeth » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:37 pm

Sweet topic, cheers for your work, Fey!
Best regards,

Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Fey » Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:46 pm

Goeth wrote:Sweet topic, cheers for your work, Fey!

You're very welcome! Enjoy. :)
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Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Entropia » Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:40 am

Thanks for this topic, it's really helpful.

i've got a few questions :

-I'm using a scorpid for the stacking poison who do good damages, the cost of poison ability is 30 energy with 4s cd, claw's cost is 25 energy, no cd.
I've got a problem because if i put those two ability in autocast mod, when the pet is out of energy, he tend to use mostly claw who is cheaper, and poison only every 6 to 10s instead of 4.
Is it possible, maybe with a macro, to make sure the pet will use poison every 4s, but still dump his extra energy with claw? Maybe it is possible to tell the pet to use claw only when his energy is at 50% at least for example?
If not, which solution is the best for you to resolve this issue?

-I saw you're engineer, can you tell us if you're goblin or gnome, and why you choose this path because i'm at the point i need to choose and i have no idea. I will do both PVE and PVP.

-I saw someone in your topic talking about mouseover macro, is it possible to do them?

PS : thanks in advance for your reply and sorry for my poor english

Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Fey » Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:50 am

Hey there.

Back in Cata I micro'd the shit out of my pet, even having macros for basic abilities to optimize DPS. You could consider adding a line to /cast whatever the scorpid poison is called to the ends of your common macros. Maybe that'll help! It's different in Vanilla...

I went goblin for sapper charges. They're fun. I got a bunch of gnomish gadgets from a gnomish engineer, like the net launcher and mind control cap, so unless you want the death ray, I'd go goblin for superior AoE DPS. You can also use sapper charges effectively in PvP, especially AV, when you use them at the same time as a mine layer does its AoE, or when a boss does some sort of cleave.

I don't remember about the mouseover macros, but I vaguely remember hearing that they do exist in Vanilla. If you find the answers... please repost them here!
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Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Swim » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:39 am

Hella informative. Thank you for sharing the wisdom.
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Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Fey » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:52 am

You're very welcome! Enjoy your hunter. :)
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Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by enterthemind » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:18 am

Thanks for the helpful macro. Just one question: when you mouse over the macro on your action bar do they just display the name of the macro? Is there a way you can have it display the skill tooltip?

Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by Fey » Sun Jan 24, 2016 4:32 pm

I apologize, but despite my sincerest efforts to figure out a way for a macro to display a tooltip instead, I have been unable to do so. However, if you would rather not have that annoying, unsightly name of the macro on your action bars, simply put a space in the name box, where the name of the macro would otherwise go. This will make the macro appear on your bars without any text at the bottom, making it look like you just dropped the ability there.
Raziya's Hunter Macros & Tips thread:
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Re: Hunter Macros & Tips

by enterthemind » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:43 pm

Fey wrote:I apologize, but despite my sincerest efforts to figure out a way for a macro to display a tooltip instead, I have been unable to do so. However, if you would rather not have that annoying, unsightly name of the macro on your action bars, simply put a space in the name box, where the name of the macro would otherwise go. This will make the macro appear on your bars without any text at the bottom, making it look like you just dropped the ability there.

Thanks. Is there anyway for the macro to default the icon to the first skill?


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