by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:15 pm
Please, Horde or Alliance, don't bring your guildies like some intimidation gank posse(Bow and Axiom for example with his 7+). If just come respecting the list order priority as you are, it'll go smoothly as it should be. Communicate with each other. Although, if not on list, free game em imo.
It is everyone's benefit the fewer there are, just the hunters, the less likely tensions and antagonizing actions occur. Please don't Fuck each other over for your own pride or selfish reasons.
Niphera, please don't go that route. I had expected better of you. I had attacked/killed you indiscriminately before, but that was before noting your entry on the list. Do not go the Axiom route, or it'll just go poorly for all of us.