Hunter pet hunger gauge

Hunter pet hunger gauge

by Starfirezz » Thu May 07, 2015 10:24 pm

It's hard enough to be a hunter with the range of our attacks being limited, but having to feed a pet constantly and spending any money you get is put into it, I was just wondering if there was a way to increase the time period of feeding for pets so we're not spending every penny on food for the pet to stay happy.

Re: Hunter pet hunger gauge

by riq and snog » Thu May 07, 2015 11:14 pm

Once your pet is higher rank in loyality the feeding is mayhaps once every 2 hours thats rly doable.
In audition learn cooking so u can feed it and skill up the proffession at the same time.
in the end some pets also eat fish so even skilling up fishing helps... bread u can always ask a friendly mage
That should cover all your pet needs, free of charge
riq and snog
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