Run the first one every time you log in, and put the second one on the first slot of action bar 3, or change (25) to whatever actionid you want and put it there.
Last one is the macro, if they have hunter's mark it will serpent sting, if they don't it will use hunter's mark.
Took forever to figure out, but worth it. Works perfectly, thought I'd put it up for anyone who might like to use it.
- Code: Select all
/run p="player" t="target" a=UseAction ud=UnitDebuff u=IsCurrentAction c=CastSpellByName st="Serpent Sting" hm="Hunter's Mark" UD1="Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Hunter_SniperShot"
- Code: Select all
/run hmD=0 local i=1 while ud(t,i)do if ud(t,i)==UD1 then hmD=1 end i=i+1 end
- Code: Select all
/run a(25)if hmD==0 then c(hm)end
/run a(25)if hmD==0 then c(st)end