How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Sakuraba » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:47 pm


I am strongly considering Hunter as my main on this server. What i'd like input on is how strong they will actually be for PVE (including naxx). As i have only played vanilla (post-retail) on Feenix, where Hunters are considered a joke when it comes to dps, at least in naxx, i am somewhat worried this will be the case also here.

What is your opinion on this? How strong was hunter PVE on retail? Is it due to flawed scripting and programming that make Hunter subpar on Feenix?
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Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Loken » Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:58 pm

What's your definition of strong? Utility or recounting after every dead trash?
Light grant me your strength!
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Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by blackhammer » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:09 pm

Just face is... its the lowest dps class, and i'm not considering some hybrid specs as enh/ele/feral. With pet up whole fight sure maybe a bit more, but after bwl it drops drastically

Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Guirssane » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:45 pm

Sakuraba wrote:Hi!

I am strongly considering Hunter as my main on this server. What i'd like input on is how strong they will actually be for PVE (including naxx). As i have only played vanilla (post-retail) on Feenix, where Hunters are considered a joke when it comes to dps, at least in naxx, i am somewhat worried this will be the case also here.

What is your opinion on this? How strong was hunter PVE on retail? Is it due to flawed scripting and programming that make Hunter subpar on Feenix?

It has less dps than a feral in t2.5

jk, but i'm sure I'm almost right :D
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by mrmr » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:49 pm

blackhammer wrote:Just face is... its the lowest dps class, and i'm not considering some hybrid specs as enh/ele/feral. With pet up whole fight sure maybe a bit more, but after bwl it drops drastically

Guirssane wrote:It has less dps than a feral in t2.5

jk, but i'm sure I'm almost right :D

Inb4 you will be embarassed&pwnd by hunters (as long as buffing works correctly).
I'm not root of myself.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Sakuraba » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:51 pm

Loken wrote:What's your definition of strong? Utility or recounting after every dead trash?

My definition of strong would be "we want more than 1-2 with us".
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Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Sakuraba » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:52 pm

Guirssane wrote:
It has less dps than a feral in t2.5

jk, but i'm sure I'm almost right :D


Is this based on retail or this server? Or is it based on feenix?
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Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Loken » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:56 pm

I don't think any would want that many hunters, but hey I hope they're open minded, I'm in a worse position that you are in the list.
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Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by tosheybellamy » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:27 pm

Hunter is NOT the strongest dps class in vanilla.
However without hunters raid is doomed. We have the crucial Tranq shot and the ability to kite. Aspect of the Wild is a MUST for some endgame fights etc etc ec.. A.k.a hunter is one fo the most important classes in PvE. Kthnxbai
Toshey - Night elf hunter
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Re: How strong will hunter be for pve endgame?

by Killerwife » Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:57 pm

To talk some numbers I very excrutiatingly extracted from googling for 2 weeks, BWL gear can two shot clothies. Lets say full naxx geared hunter will not do more than 780 dps(this is the top cap not real dps). For illustration, a moonkin(oomkin) can pull off 700 if total tryhard in naxxramas(not that you should/want to be oomkin). I read somewhere that in AQ one might with perfect rotation top the charts there, but I dont know the credibility of this statement. Most likely in a scenario where you have 100% tryhard dpses, someone with the same amount of skill will have greater dps with either rogue/warr/lock/mage. Problem is, hunter rotation is prolly the hardest of them all. BUT you provide awesome utility that is crucial to the raid. And its a perfect farming/solo class. In naxxramas you will for sure 100% never be among the top dpses in the raid if there are people with equal skill. Im sorry.


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