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The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:23 pm
by omerbr
Hey guys.
For over two weeks I've had the ancient petrified leaf in my bags, looking for the demons, just as many of you all.
Thing is, I had no clue about this "List" up until today.
Earlier I went to Un'Goro crater and waited for simone, while waiting I saw other hunters there.
I told them that I will go for the kill, since I've been waiting so long for this, then one of them says, well you're not on the list.
I reply, what list?
He says there is a list on the forums with a huge hunter que for the demons.
Thing is, I barely ever go on the forums, so I had no clue that this list existed.
I told them that I dont care about the list and Ill do my best to tag the mob first, then they proceed to tell me that they took screenshots of me saying that, a hunter named Wuzerk said that.
I explained to them, that if you go to a store, and wait in line at the register, then a group of 100 people start their own line just a bit to the right at the register, it doesnt mean that theirs is the "right" line, since everyone want to buy the items.
Not only did they threaten with bans, there were 2 alliance hunters there that magically started attacking me as soon as she spawned and obviously no horde hunter helped out at all, probably one of them logged over to alliance to tell them to kill me.

As I said, I go hunt demons, I do it for a quest, if my level 13 got his kill stolen in the barrens I wont report it, cus thats how MMO's are, alot of people want to do the same thing.

My point:
Is this really bannable? I feel completley bullied, ban threats, coordinated horde-alli kill, etc.

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:32 pm
by Grinkuk
How come you are high up on the list "Doozo" if you just found out about it today?

And as you said, if you enter a store and theres a line, instead of making up a line (the list)
theres still a line in the store (the persons already in un'goro before you came)

Or do you go with the same attitude in the stores? The person that puts his groceries first on the counter wins and gets to pay even if I have to cut the line with 4 persons in it?

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:36 pm
by omerbr
Well I knew that he spawns at a certain time, why would I come there before? there would be nothing to do there, maybe the store thing wasnt a good example, but its close to the situation.
And I have no idea who put Doozo up on the list, I never posted on that topic, you can check and so can forum admins.

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:41 pm
by Lefeu
Just go by the holy list, it's there for a reason. Don't be a douche.

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:50 pm
by omerbr
Lefeu you just completely ignored everything that I said, then you told me not to be a douche, wtf?

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:59 pm
by Xylon666Darkstar
omerbr wrote:Lefeu you just completely ignored everything that I said, then you told me not to be a douche, wtf?

You also completely ignored the holy list thats in these forums for a reason for the prospective hunters.

To prevent pointless threads like this.

Respect the list. Keep the selfish 'world revolves around my time/needs' away.

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:05 pm
by Lefeu
This line at the store has been there for over a month. To sneak in front would be a douche move yes. I didn't ignore what you said, I just don't see it more complicated than I said.

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by omerbr
As I said, maybe the store thing was a bad example, but it got the general idea through.

Re: The Bow List

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:00 pm
by Crysthal
Don't worry you will not be banned for this. But just take part at "THE LIST" and get your kill.
I mean you can try to do it solo but like you already experienced : It won't work

But if you manage to ninja you will not be banned