Rhok'delar base damage is underwhelming

I'm pretty sure base damage is not calculated correctly on this server. I know other physical damage classes have been talking about it and I'm curious if any other hunters have noticed this. I'm pretty certain that base damage, as shown on your character screen, is purely a matter of your weapon's base damage and your attack power, with weapon speed having nothing to do with it. Where weapon speed comes in is to factor with your base damage to give your overall autoattack DPS. It appears to me that whatever formula they use to calculate your base damage is accounting for weapon speed which it is not supposed to do, and is in effect greatly lowering the base damage of your character. These are my character stats when I switched from Bloodseeker to Rhok'delar, counting 5/5 ranged weapon specialization:
85 - 128 damage
Speed: 3.30 (2.87 with 15% quiver)
32.3 damage per second
+14 AP from the 7 agility
Character base damage: 450 - 496 autoattack
Character autoattack DPS: 164.9
89 - 166 damage
Speed: 2.90 (2.52 with 15% quiver)
44.0 damage per second
+34 AP (should be +17 but for some reason it is shown and counted twice)
Character base damage: 416 - 498 autoattack
Character autoattack DPS: 181.1
So switching from Bloodseeker to Rhok'delar decreases my minimum base damage by a huge 34 damage and increases my maximum base damage by a paltry 2 damage, even though the base damage of the weapons by themselves both increase by 4 for minimum and 38 for maximum. This is considering that Rhok'delar also gives +20 net RAP over Bloodseeker. The only possible way I can see these numbers making any sense is that the base damage calculation is accounting for weapon speed, and since Rhok'delar is quite a bit faster that is gimping the base damage. However, I'm fairly certain it is not supposed to be this way as weapon speed is taken into account for the overall autoattack DPS:
character base damage / weapon speed = autoattack DPS
But if weapon speed is being accounted for in base damage then it's being double counted to gimp autoattack DPS and especially multishot and aimed shot hits because those are based on only base damage.
I'm sure this is pretty elementary for most people but I just want to make sure I'm understood.
85 - 128 damage
Speed: 3.30 (2.87 with 15% quiver)
32.3 damage per second
+14 AP from the 7 agility
Character base damage: 450 - 496 autoattack
Character autoattack DPS: 164.9
89 - 166 damage
Speed: 2.90 (2.52 with 15% quiver)
44.0 damage per second
+34 AP (should be +17 but for some reason it is shown and counted twice)
Character base damage: 416 - 498 autoattack
Character autoattack DPS: 181.1
So switching from Bloodseeker to Rhok'delar decreases my minimum base damage by a huge 34 damage and increases my maximum base damage by a paltry 2 damage, even though the base damage of the weapons by themselves both increase by 4 for minimum and 38 for maximum. This is considering that Rhok'delar also gives +20 net RAP over Bloodseeker. The only possible way I can see these numbers making any sense is that the base damage calculation is accounting for weapon speed, and since Rhok'delar is quite a bit faster that is gimping the base damage. However, I'm fairly certain it is not supposed to be this way as weapon speed is taken into account for the overall autoattack DPS:
character base damage / weapon speed = autoattack DPS
But if weapon speed is being accounted for in base damage then it's being double counted to gimp autoattack DPS and especially multishot and aimed shot hits because those are based on only base damage.
I'm sure this is pretty elementary for most people but I just want to make sure I'm understood.