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Meat bugged

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:19 pm
by Seanimoose
"That food's level is not high enough for your pet" - I can't recall ever seeing that message before Nost.

Am I the only person that thinks this shouldn't exist? Pets should be able to eat any food with a lower level then them, they just receive a reduced happiness count (remember +17 happiness). This is currently bugged (well, since release) and seems like an easy fix, but I'm too lazy to make a tuleap account right now. Maybe one day. Or perhaps it's already reported...

I miss being able to feed my pets red wolf meat etc in a pinch....

Re: Meat bugged

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:29 pm
by Pottu

if you have evidence of this being an actual bug - and not just that it worked differently on another private server - please post it in our BugTracker.

The GM team.

Re: Meat bugged

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:21 pm
by Seanimoose
Do I only have to find a screenshot of +17 happiness? Because that basically proves my point. Although, I'm not even positive exactly about how food levels work with pet levels, I do know for SURE that a level 60 pet should be able to eat lootable meat (for cooking) that drops from higher level mobs, which isn't currently possible.

I'm positive pets could eat food that gave +17 happiness in retail though, but finding proof pre TBC could be rough, ain't nobody got time fo dat. I did just read that pets can eat food up to 30 levels lower and any level higher though.

But I figured if I bring up the issue on the forums, maybe someone will ????

Re: Meat bugged

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:48 pm
by masterpoobaa
Also, cooked meat of a certain level has a higher feeding ability than uncooked of the same level I have found.

Ie cooked level 15 ham can feed a pet up to level 25 or so with 35 happiness ticks, uncooked would be down to 17 or 8.