As is said in: ... er_in_pvp/
I finally reach to lvl 10 my Dwarf Hunter, and I have to choose the talents and my pet. I played WoW 10 years ago, and my class was an human mage, so I do not remembeer or know a lot of things about WoW.
My objective: I want to do PvP, but of course before that I have to lvl my character.
Pet: I do not know nothing about pets. First of all, If I choose one, the level of the pet is linked to my character? I'm asking that because if for example in some part of the game I decide to change my pet, I'll need to level it up again? If it is, is important to chose wisely what pet I train. As I said, I want to do PvP, but of course I need to lvl my player. So, May I chose a PvP pet since lvl 10? O can I change in the future? I heard that for leveling boar is the best option (bear also is good), but if I want to do PvP it is better choose a Cat?
The talent: Well, as I remember, you can reset the talents paying gold. So, by that, chosing one is, of course important, but not as important as my concern about the pet. Again, I want to do PvP, but before I need lvl my character. So probably first need a lvl talent tree and when I reach hihgh level I will reset to put a PvP talent tree.
I hope your advice