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Pet DPS potential!
Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:22 pm
by Soulflay
The ongoing discussion about which pet family is a better choice for leveling, pvp and pve goes on.
Although there are undisputed champions in most situation (Broken Tooth for PvP etc), I'm curious for which pet has the most damage potential (specifically while leveling) and which pet spells and rotation would be the best.
If anyone has knowledge about this i would be grateful - and i assume others would too!
One thing is sheet dps on the pet tab, but that does not calculate damage with spells.
- Which combination of spells are best? (Claw, Bite, Claw or Bite?)
- What are the potential of Scorpid Poison (and similar DoT effects from pets)?
- Any overlooked abilities ?
Its hard to get any facts from various site because of different patch notes and whatnot.
Edit: I have a Death Flayer scorpid from Durotar (I'm alliance lol), with both Claw and Scorpid poison.
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:32 pm
by Issir
You'll have to tame new pets during lvling to get following ranks of pet abilities.
1)Claw is the best for Molten Core, Lightning Breath is the best for all other raid instances.
2)The only potential of Scorpid Poison is protection Viper Sting from being dispelled. So scorpid is the PvP pet only, since Scorpid Poison consumes debuff slot and it's damage is pretty low compared to Lightning Breath. There are no more pet with DoT effects in vanilla.
3)See screech, charge, shell shield, furious howl and other stuff and other stuff in pet topic.
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:40 pm
by Soulflay
Thanks for your reply - but i know all these spells and how to obtain them.
As you can combine certain spells (like cats can claw and bite) at a rage cost - what would yield the highest dps? Would having both on auto-cast be better, or would bite cost too much rage for claw to be effective.
And which pet has the highest listet/sheet dps? Attack speed is one thing - but sheer damage is something different.
Just wondering if anyone has done any calculations on which pet, with which spells, will put out the highest damage.
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sat Jan 30, 2016 11:17 pm
by Issir
You don't need to train cats with Bite and Claw simultaneously unless you train a pvp pet for bm specialization.
Just claw.
The most damaging pet in game is Wind Serpent with highest rank of Lightning Breath (ofc not in Molten Core, where most mobs have Nature immunity. Cats are best in MC).
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:23 am
by Soulflay
Wind Serpent (Son of Hakkar etc) have the highest listed dps of all tameable pets?
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:11 am
by Fatherben
IMO level as BM and go with cats. Claw is important because it sinks extra focus. And it's better to get one with good attack speed early on I guess, anything 1.2 speed or Broken Tooth. If it falls 3-4 levels behind, consider taming a new one.
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:46 am
by Soulflay
What is the argument of having a fast attack speed early on?
Well I'm still confused about pets not this server.
I see Lupos doing shadow damage - but all other pets are normalized?
If Lupos are doing shadow damage, then Takk the Leaper should run faster, AV Wolves should be able to chase down epic mounts - but i guess they dont?
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:11 pm
by Fatherben
Soulflay wrote:What is the argument of having a fast attack speed early on?
What I meant was if you want a top-notch pet at lvl 60, you might as well level up with such a pet. Pet run speeds are normalized; one doesn't go faster than another.
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:18 pm
by Soulflay
Are Serpents, Adders and Cobras tamable on this patch/server (with Posion Spit)?
Re: Pet DPS potential!
Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:03 pm
by Issir
Poison Spit was introduced in TBC.
And it's damaged was crap compared to Lightning Breath.