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Worth dropping bite/claw for dash?
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:05 pm
by Garfunkel
Hey hunters. My 1.2 speed cat currently uses Growl, Bite, Claw and Prowl. This is working well enough for leveling but in PvP, the poor thing is often left behind by druids going travelform or rogues Sprinting or Mages blinking and so on. So I'd like to teach him Dash. I want to keep Growl on him for questing and Prowl is of course quite useful in both PvP and PvE, so the decision comes down to whether I should ditch Bite or Claw. Any informed opinions on this?
Re: Worth dropping bite/claw for dash?
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:14 pm
by Fatherben
I would drop bite. Claw has no cooldown and it will do most of the damage.
Re: Worth dropping bite/claw for dash?
Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:46 pm
by Garfunkel
I guess that since no-one else chimed in, that's my best option. Thanks!
Re: Worth dropping bite/claw for dash?
Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:34 pm
by Drain
Why in the world would you slot both Bite+Claw on the same pet??? Claw will hog all of the pet's energy and he'll have none left for Bite, meaning it just wasted your skill points. You slot Claw if a pet can use it, Bite if a pet can not, and NEVER slot both. Yes, those wasted points could have paid for Dash.
Re: Worth dropping bite/claw for dash?
Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:42 pm
by Cargalia
because bite is a 10 sec cooldown, and it doesn't hog the focus lol. especially if you BM and enough points for focus regeneration. dash is nice but so is the 30% talent for outdoor movement.
p.s. untoggle growl for pvp
p.s.s I sifted through the first time and didn't read your paragraph thoroughly . sorry for the off topic details op
Re: Worth dropping bite/claw for dash?
Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:48 am
by Drain
You either want to spend all of the energy by slotting Claw, or you don't by slotting Bite. One or the other. There's literally no reason or benefit to slotting both. You're just wasting skill points on the pet. Another waste is Dash/Dive when you already have the speed talent. You should pick one or the other. I'd suggest the talent if you're BM, and the ability if you're not.