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Hunter bugs?
Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:06 am
by thargo
Hello, I've just started leveling a hunter and I keep hearing about tons of bugs. Especially regarding pets receiving permanent bugs.
I want to avoid as many bugs as possible. Could you fine folks please share your personal experience and leave notes on how not to screw up your pet? I've heard using the stable can screw up your pet in a number of ways. Also taming other pets to learn new moves can somehow screw up.
The only bug I've experienced so far is how sometimes my pet becomes an 'Unknown' creature. I've seen people reporting hunters here on the forums because apparently it makes it so players cannot attack it. I don't want to get in trouble for something unintended and that I can prevent.
Thanks in advance for any responses. The hunter forums are the largest of all the classes and sifting through to find them all is a bit daunting.
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:05 pm
by thargo
No one? Nothing?
I've also got another question(s). What is the base crit chance of a hunter pet? Or do they differ from creature to creature? Is it the same as any NPC? Which is 5% or 6%?
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:07 pm
by Imao
The 3% hit in Surefooted didnt seem to be working for me, maybe im just being bad or it could be bugged
Can anyone confirm?
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:30 pm
by thargo
My hunter is not yet high enough to spec into surefooted. Plus I would not have other hit pieces to properly test :/
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:12 am
by chunass
I don't remember experiencing anything other than having my pet become unknown randomly. But I've of course heard of other hunters losing pets to stables, not sure if there's anything specific that triggers it. I always just make sure to have my pet summoned while I change it.
The Surefooted hit talents definitely work, I raided with them for months.
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:37 pm
by thargo
Thank you for the response!
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:13 pm
by Cornholi
Base crit chance for pets is actually 5% on this server. As for bugs, we have the visual unit frame bug for pets and sometimes the stables don't work, the crit portion of the slaying talents don't work either.
And I've heard (never tested) that Clever traps doesn't work either.
Re: Hunter bugs?
Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:20 pm
by thargo
Cornholi wrote:Base crit chance for pets is actually 5% on this server. As for bugs, we have the visual unit frame bug for pets and sometimes the stables don't work, the crit portion of the slaying talents don't work either.
And I've heard (never tested) that Clever traps doesn't work either.
Hmm thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to avoid those two.
Re: Hunter bugs?
Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:02 am
by Zeneca
I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else, but when my pet dies I get constantly spammed with a "Your target is dead" and is only fixed upon rezzing the pet. Isn't game breaking but is quite annoying at times.
Re: Hunter bugs?
Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:12 am
by keil
Zeneca wrote:I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else, but when my pet dies I get constantly spammed with a "Your target is dead" and is only fixed upon rezzing the pet. Isn't game breaking but is quite annoying at times.
That's the 5 piece T1/T2 buff. This server applies it every tick. It also puts you back into combat after a FD if your pet is in combat. So makes FD trapping shit if you have your pet out.