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Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:05 pm
by VirazolKaine
Can someone point me in the direction of a nice Leveling build for hunter? I tried to search for one, but this forum requires you to be too specific in your search query, so please do not flame me for asking this.

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:08 am
by konked

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:57 am
by Draggah
For leveling, BM seems to be the way (Havent tried it, but wish I had)
Wouldnt follow the PvE or PvP spec posted, but hey thats just me.

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:58 pm
by VirazolKaine
Thanks for the links.

Draggah wrote:For leveling, BM seems to be the way (Havent tried it, but wish I had)
Wouldnt follow the PvE or PvP spec posted, but hey thats just me.

Why wouldn't you follow it?

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:07 pm
by konked
VirazolKaine wrote:Thanks for the links.

Draggah wrote:For leveling, BM seems to be the way (Havent tried it, but wish I had)
Wouldnt follow the PvE or PvP spec posted, but hey thats just me.

Why wouldn't you follow it?

Not sure why he's wouldn't use them, the pvp/pve spec are what you use at 60.

maybe he means not to use them for leveling.

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:48 pm
by shietdawg
Every time a low level hunter use a talent point in " improved aspect of the hawk " a kid die in africa.. never use this talent while you are leveling , first it will never procs when you need it , and wont change a thing when it procs .Well.. actually dont even use aspect of the hawk, always stay in aspect of the cheetah while levelling , the difference of damage between cheetah and hawk is insignificant and running faster will make the leveling part less annoying

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:59 pm
by TySton
shietdawg wrote:Every time a low level hunter use a talent point in " improved aspect of the hawk " a kid die in africa.. never use this talent while you are leveling , first it will never procs when you need it , and wont change a thing when it procs .Well.. actually dont even use aspect of the hawk, always stay in aspect of the cheetah while levelling , the difference of damage between cheetah and hawk is insignificant and running faster will make the leveling part less annoying

Im a lvl 11 hunter and it procs for me after 2 hits... every mob. so you must not notice it or you just refuse to belive it... or you just dont know the buff it gives...

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:27 pm
by Lionheart
Shietdawg is right though ; in term of effectiveness, aspect of the hawk is not the best. Here a guide hunters who are currently leveling can follow (might be late for the one who originally posted this thread though).

10-14: 5/5 Endurance Training
15-16: 2/2 Improve Revive Pet (You will need it)
17-19: 3/3 Thick Hide
20-21: 2/2 Pathfinding (Running faster is always appreciated)
22-26: 5/5 Unleashed Fury
27-29: 3/5 Ferocity
30-30: 1/1 Intimidation (Use it so you pet takes less damage, taunt the mob etc)
31-32: 5/5 Ferocity (put the last two points in Ferocity)
32-33: 2/2 Spirit Bond (Please also note that it increases slightly the threat made by your pet)
34-39: 5/5 Frenzy
40-40: 1/1 Bestial Wrath (Use it everytime it's up)
41-46: 3/3 Humanoid Slaying and 3/3 Monster Slaying (you take first whatever you want)
47-51: 5/5 Efficiency
51-56: 5/5 Improved Hunter's Mark
57-57: 1/1 Aimed Shot (I usually dont take it before as it can be costly in mana, take aggro from your pet etc.)
58-60: 3/3 Hawk Eye or 3/5 Lethal Shots. or

Some points can be discussed in the Marksmanship and Survival tree, it is usually your personal preference and how you feel about it that matters most. My choice are based on maximizing your pet's damage outputs and your blank (auto-shot) attacks.

The talents in Beast Master are however arguably the most adapted to leveling.

Hope this helped.

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:50 pm
by TySton
Lion your talent try is solid but im not talking about him being right or wrong im only currecting the fact he said that Improved aspect of the hawk is pointless because it doesnt proc when it needs to. I find that it procs more then it should tbh at rank 2 its procing like i said before almost every 3rd or 4th hit on a single mob.

Re: Hunter Leveling build?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:05 pm
by Lionheart
Right, I see what you mean :) Well, I quite often use the following raid spec 2/31/18 (with 2 points in Aspect of the Hawk improved) and it doesn't feel it procs that often. May be you are just lucky ! :)