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Possible Pet Happiness Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:38 am
by Skorn
I just got a huntress kitty in The Barrens at level 11. I fed it so it was fully happy, then it took off on me while I was away for 10m. Is this normal?

Re: Possible Pet Happiness Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:14 am
by hiphonix
yes when it is loyalty rank 1 you cannot afk for 10 minutes then your pet is gone :D
Always log out at lower ranks.

Here is a short summary:
Rebellious (Rank 1)
During this stage, your pet's happiness fluctuated a great deal. If the pet or yourself were constantly dying, or if you dismissed the pet too often, he could begin to become very hard to handle and might have left you.
Unruly (Rank 2)
You had begun to show the pet who the Alpha is but you still hadn't totally convinced him. You needed to keep feeding and treating the pet well.
Submissive (Rank 3)
You won the pet over to some degree and it was ready to work harder at becoming your faithful companion. Feeding became a little less strenuous at this point, requiring less food to keep the pet happy.
Dependable (Rank 4)
That's it, you were the boss unless you messed up by letting the food bowl stay empty too long. The pet had fully accepted you as its master and things were good. Your pet required less food to remain happy.
Faithful (Rank 5)
It would have been extremely hard at this point to run the pet off except by a concerted plan of neglect and abuse.
Best Friend (Rank 6)
Ahhh, isn't he cute? Your pet was now a furry rug at your feet when you settle down in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine and a good book. At this loyalty level your pet required the least food to remain happy.
At this stage of the pet keeping game, you would really have had to work hard to get rid of your pet. Only by letting its happiness rating fall to unacceptable levels and remain there for an extended amount of time could you undo all the trust and faith your pet now had in you.

Re: Possible Pet Happiness Bug?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:13 pm
by Skorn
Thanks! Was not aware.

I just came back after 10m and thought "You ungrateful bastard, I gave you a stack of food!"

Re: Possible Pet Happiness Bug?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:35 am
by Jorrick
I had same thing, it was happy and I checked every other minute..
3x my boar walked away!