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Slaying talents

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:34 am
by Bradagar
Hey guys!

I know that slaying talents have been discussed a lot, but I could not find a final answer whether they work as intended or not. Therefore, I would like to ask if anyone could answer the question - are they worth it?

In addition, I am still leveling but I am planning to do both PvP and PvE once I hit 60 (if I ever do), probably more PvP. What do you think of this build - ... 0212200000? Could it work as a hybrid build for both in order to avoid the costs of respecs all the time?

Re: Slaying talents

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:37 pm
by Cornholi
The dmg portion from the slaying talents works while the crit portion of the talent does not, a ticket was made months ago about it and the devs will fix it soonTM. It's still worth it to at least go for Monster Slaying seeing as all the mobs in BWL are dragons, in future content...not so much.

As for your spec, it's ok especially as a fresh 60 since you can get 3% hit from Surefooted, I don't know if Trap Mastery works I've heard that it didn't even work in retail so take that as you will.

As you gear up though and if you really become serious about maximizing a hunter's damage you'd need to go at the very least 5/31/15 for 5/5 Imp Aspect of the Hawk.

Re: Slaying talents

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:32 pm
by Lionheart
Regarding slaying talent, the Humanoid Slaying can be considered in PvP obvisouly ; the Monster Slaying can be considered for Farming, BWL otherwise, PvE end content, it is pretty much useless.

However, I disagree with your spec regarding maximizing a hunter's damage ; in PvP it would go BM/MM (31/20/0 or a hybrid form if you want humanoid slaying 31/17/3) and PvE, the best damage output is the following spec 20/31/0 (And I would not put 5 point in Imp Aspect of the Hawk, may be 2 or 3 points, no more).

Re: Slaying talents

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:16 pm
by Cornholi
Why would you not put 5 points into Imp Aspect of the Hawk?

Re: Slaying talents

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:34 pm
by Lionheart
Well, if you are a fresh hunter lvl 60 with a limited gear, you will go for 2/31/18 ; in Survival you want to reach surfooted to have 3% hit. The 2 points in Imp. Aspect of the Hawk in BM indeed.

Otherwise, I usually prefer a mix with Endurance Training because your pet is a big component of your damage output and hence, the longer he stays alive, the more dps you will have in the end. So I always put 2 points in Imp Aspect of the Hawk and 3 points in Endurance Training. It's a personnal opinion and I am still making some adjustments and calculation at the moment

Re: Slaying talents

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:02 am
by Undertanker
Lionheart wrote:Well, if you are a fresh hunter lvl 60 with a limited gear, you will go for 2/31/18 ; in Survival you want to reach surfooted to have 3% hit. The 2 points in Imp. Aspect of the Hawk in BM indeed.

Otherwise, I usually prefer a mix with Endurance Training because your pet is a big component of your damage output and hence, the longer he stays alive, the more dps you will have in the end. So I always put 2 points in Imp Aspect of the Hawk and 3 points in Endurance Training. It's a personnal opinion and I am still making some adjustments and calculation at the moment

I love this spreadsheet theory crafting of endurance... my pet does.....

Show me the numbers in realmplayer results of hunters that actually utilize their pets to even HALF of their potential. Sending in and out based off of boss timers, aoe damage and resetting of stacks. I had a thread about the lack of this and was just confirmed people are lazy and because it doesn't show on THEIR damage totals, people care less about it.

Though when I am judging my raids I add pet damage to it with magical witch-craft addition to properly compare their output.

2 to 3 points, imp - AotH seems to proc not that often. 5 points, it seems to be up a lot and proc off itself. Wait for it to proc, then pop rap-fire, troll racial if you got it. Pairing with Jom Gabbar trinket at the same time as this will be leet burst.

The ONLY downfall I see with this talent proccing more is the attack speed increase doesn't correlate to 20% damage increase due to clipping to keep your abilities going as well. HOWEVER seeing as pre 6/9 T3 hunters struggle with mana, when it procs autoshot for the duration as much as possible to allow the 6 second no mana used to kick in for some in combat 100% mana regen to happen.

In shorter fights like MC it may not matter as much, but when you start getting into longer fights in AQ40/Naxx I feel nothing trumps 5/5 Imp AotH. And on fights where mechanics need to be burst down, it allows you to still do decent dps (for a hunter) while conserving mana for bursting adds which in turn lowers raid damage received and increasing healer mana efficiency.