by kamroth » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:46 am
Hi everyone,
I was there during this try, and I saw everything. I do not contest that Abicei did something wrong and should have wait his turn, resulting in a demon despawn.
However, Herhurricane was not innocent too. He clearly failed his try, which can happens, and was in a very hard situation (demon more than 50% hp while he was out of mana). I had the demon in target and at this moment I saw him loose his aggro, which can mean ONLY 2 things : - The target is dead / The target feign death
As you can see on the screenshots, Herhurricane was not dead, that's too bad he did not post a full screenshot of the combatlog but only bits of it, cause I'm pretty sure we could have seen him cast feign death, then get up and cast something on the demon after Abicei took the aggro.
That's how it worls, the demon can only loose aggro if :
-His current target is dead
-His current target feign death
-Someone interfere during the fight : In this last case the cleaner spawns immediatly, soo the demon doesn't loose his aggro.
I personnaly believe that, despite the fact that Abicei had nothing to do so close and should not have try to aggro the demon so soon, the one who despawned it was Herhurricane.