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Broken tooth

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:48 pm
by Yugo45koral
Does anyone know exsact spawn timer and locations of broken tooth on this server cuz i'wbeen checking may vanila data bases and none were true.
Iwbeen looking for it like 2 days and seen it only once but there was lvl 60 ally hunter who came to tame it so i couldnt do shit :/

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:13 am
by hqfragz

at first its in the wrong forum.

Second, i looked it up for myself and in several forum posts from 2005/2006 they say, that all special rare creatures have 6hours respawn time in vanilla. there are some exceptions for example the lion in mulgore who should have 1h i guess.

But i couldnt find a post in throttbot or wowallkazham to confirm it.



Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:18 pm
by Aeducan
Has anyone actually seen/tamed him on this server?
Ive only seen alot of fake ones running around.

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:32 pm
by hotbassfishin
Tamed him last night at 11:40pm EST

You can do the math to find next spawn :3 I heard he had three spawn locations but it might just be one and you can find the coordinates online. If there IS 3 spawn locations then you can stand on a certain rock and eagle eye to all three with beast tracking on (I found all this info online)


I'm just gonna solve a little problem right now. For anyone who is still looking for Broken Tooth, here are the 3 possible locations for that beatiful cat, and for you non-co-ordinate users, a description of where that is.
54,10=Beside the Uldaman entrance where you enter the badlands from Loch Modan. Should be beside a rock wall.
42,36=This is to the front-left (if you're facing it) of the Angor Fortress, he should be relatively close to a large cement pole.
64,29=This is just on the opposite side of the rocks of Camp Kosh, the best landmark to use is a low flat grey rock. He should spawn near there. Or half way up the opposing hill.
I chose the spot to sit at 55,24: a large tall boulder that always has a ridge stalker half way up it. There is a beautifully clear view of all 3 spawn points, and yes eagle eye is quite handy.
Funnily enough, I came into the badlands and there was a 37 hunter running around with a 37 cat that looked strangly similar to the pic above on this thread. I asked him if that was answer, then I asked him if he had tamed Broken Tooth answer once again...jerk. Lol I wish you all luck in finding the ever elusive BT.

I'm not sure if theres 3 locations, I found him at 64,29 location, but there's a rock like he mentioned you can stand on and look at all 3 with eagle eye just in case. BUT if you see a bunch of hunters camping one spot, camp with them cuz it's probably spawning soon.

Protip: I got BT amidst 3 other hunters by using this macro and spamming it:

/Cast Freezing Trap
/Target Broken Tooth
/Cast Tame Beast

If you spam these near where he spawns, it'll place a Freezing Trap, look for the target, and cast tame beast.

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:22 pm
by Yugo45koral
Bu he spawned once at 59 29 i was there :/

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:50 pm
by Yugo45koral
And it dint respawn at 7 40 we are still w8ing XD

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:48 pm
by hotbassfishin
Sorry things didn't work out for you D: , if you can, it can really help if you find someone who knows the most recent spawn timer. I'm still fairly confident in the 8 hour respawn time. Who knows, since there was one spawn in between, my 7:40 PM estimate might have been off, since that estimate assumed that he was taken instantly when he spawned 8 hours after I caught it.

If you don't have the exact time of last tame from another hunter, it can be hard to find him. I personally was waiting about 5 hours at the spot, from when I got back from work till bedtime. When in doubt about the spawn time, just go there and wait a little bit, you're bound to find him eventually.

Wishing you the best of luck <3

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:14 pm
by Kolgrim
Anyone have an updated spawn time? Last confirmed tame?

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:20 pm
by abraxus
Would like to know the current Spawn timer as well. If some1 got a hint...wld be very helpful!

Re: Broken tooth

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 6:14 pm
by Houdre
Okay so after quite long and furstrating camping i can give away some info.

I've asked quite a lot of server's hunters if they know where's the spawn location and how long the timer is:
- Most common answer about spawn location was 59,29 (near that tree), yet some have said it's multiple spawn locations.
- Most common answer for spawn timer was either 7-8 or 7,5 hours, some claimed 3 or 4 hours.

So i've started camping this kitten on 6th of August around 18:00ST (server time). Went AFK at around 20:20ST and came back 20:50ST and someone was asking for help on taming BT on general chat and that some horde is camping him too, because no one was at my spot I've assumed they've tamed him (why else would they go if they wouldn't tame him). I've been camping him whole night till the next day 7th of august 4:28ST he spawned, tho some dwarf got him because i had laggy internet and there was intense "tamingbeast" macro spamming involved:( .
Nevertheless from info gathered from server's community I expected him to spawn 8 hours sharp because that's what someone told me it's for sure. So me waiting at 12:28ST and he didn't spawn, tho some hunter was there before and from later talk he claimed he tamed him 11:28ST (1 hour less than i tought).

So I aimed for 7-8 hours from 11:28ST and eventually on august the 7th at 19:28ST i tamed him :)

So my conclusion:
- He certainly spawned 3 times in a row on same location at 59,29 so I don't think he has multiple spawn locations
- From 1st and 3rd spawn 15 hours passed and all were on half of hour so i believe and claim that he spawns on 7-8h timer (either 7 or 8 hours but don't take my words as granted)

He should be up on 7th July somewhere between 2:28-3:28ST on 59,29 coordinates.