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Few questions regarding hunter

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:42 am
by Skorn
Hey got a few questions to assist me and others in min/maxing for endgame.

1. Where can I learn claw, rake, prowl, bite etc. I've been using Echyakee since level 16 and he hasn't learned anything. Can't remember how to get these abilities in classic. I tamed an Arathi raptor and same thing.

Answer: ... skills.htm

2. Does anyone have stat weights? How do I know how much ap/agility is needed on an item before it beats a 1% crit?

3. What hit % do I need to strive for?

Answer: 9%

4. Is there an endgame pre-raid ranged weapon alternative to Blackcrow as the drop rate is listed as very very low.

Answer: ... =312055117

5. Is there a trinket alternative to Hand of Justice to avoid a melee verbal assaulting you like an ex-girlfriend?

Answer: ... =312055117

Will edit it with more questions (an add answers given to the post)

Re: Few questions regarding hunter

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:53 pm
by Overtime
1. You have to tame new pet that has the ability and just force the pet use the ability until it learns it, skills with cooldown take obviously longer. Fizzwidget's Hunter Helper shows skillls mobs might have in the wild.
But can also check here: ... skills.htm

3. Aim for 9%.

4. ... =312055117

Re: Few questions regarding hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:35 am
by Skorn
Got another question, whats the fastest manner in which to level low level pets?

Say for example I wanna go tame Lupos or Broken Tooth. Clearly not viable to use at their current levels at 60. Just gotta grind it?

Re: Few questions regarding hunter

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:49 am
by Shiggs13
Skorn wrote:Got another question, whats the fastest manner in which to level low level pets?

Say for example I wanna go tame Lupos or Broken Tooth. Clearly not viable to use at their current levels at 60. Just gotta grind it?

I think killing elites at around the pet's level works the fastest. Seen people do that before.

Re: Few questions regarding hunter

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:20 am
by Alquen

level 36 hunter here decided to level the elwyn forest bear with with 2.5 attack speed. They start level 9 .

I just killed stuff while it was on passive. Killed stuff level 20 wolves in dusk wood and it was getting xp nicely. when it was near 20 i took it to wetlands and killed the level 27 orcs till it hit 27.

Next stop will be desolate 30 isn level stuff till it reaches 36.

Not sure if the pet getting xp of stuff a lot levels over it is normal as i can't remember how it was on live vanilla.