Cwasm wrote:Focus on doing quests, and really by the time you hit 60 you should be finished with most of them in the 50-60 zones. Do as many quests as you can in the plaguelands, northern Felwood in your low 50s and winterspring in your mid/late 50s. You can do some Silithus quests as you near 60, there's a few you can do in Burning Steppes as well if you're alliance. Un'goro would also be a good place to stop by and do some quests at.
Keep in mind if you're questing in these zones and the quests start getting too high level or too difficult just hop over to another zone and come back later. There's guides out there if you're looking for super specific routes and exact things to do to min-max your time getting to 60 but if you're just a normal player just knowing where the quest hubs are at should be good.
Don't worry about dungeons, don't worry about those annoying Stratholme/Scholomance dungeon quests, just get yourself some Felcloth gear and you'll literally wear it until BWL. (No foolin'.)
Thanks alot for a very detailed respond. That was very kind of you!
I've heard that you can farm felcloth in felwood (funny enough, fel & fel) - but there's high competition for these farming ares... I'm a tailor myself, so I would most likely farm this gear.
I've heard that from 55-57 you can do all the BRD quests and get almost two levels doing so. Is it worth? and will I get MC attunement while doing it?
Best regards