Bioness wrote:There are two kinds of imps there, I noticed that I could gets shards off of one kind and not the other. The lower level ones (near the orges) you can still get shards from.
Correct. Guess they made the higher level imps unable to gain any exp from (since aoe farming them all over is actually good leveling speed).
The lower level imp packs have 3 spots: 1) At the border between Redridge and Burning Steppes, 2) Southwest edge of Dreadmaul Rock, where the cave icon is, and 3) On top of Dreadmaul Rock
More exact locations and coords here:'d recommend AV atleast as long as they have it in the oldschool state with NPCs and mines by going to Field of Strike and spam Drain Soul on any nearby NPCs for fast shards. Just be careful if your side is winning the NPC fights or if others are there too.