Hello everyone, I have been searching the forums for guides on builds and couldn't find many. I'm going to post my build, please feel free to post yours if you want - it might be nice to have a compilation of builds.
This is my build -- http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#INziuRboVZZxxMtM0z -- 30/0/21 DM/Ruin
This is the build I found on a popular wow-one.com guide -- http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#IA0bNRroVZZxx0tr0z (Guide link: http://www.wow-one.com/forum/topic/1333 ... soul-link/)
I optimized it for pve only, it is not viable for pvp what so ever.
Discrepancies between my talent and the other one I found:
-Improve Corruption is only 4/5 because that puts it at a .4 second cast (and with latency it is about a .2 second cast). GCD is .5 seconds, so only 4/5 gives you full uptime and still a bit of time to walk.
-Improve Drain Soul 1/2 because "In addition your Mana may continue to regenerate while casting at 50% of normal" does not apply to just drain soul. 2/2 is not necessary because the percent increasing does not go higher than 50%.
-1/5 Fel Concentration because I needed to put a talent in the tree, might be Improve Drain Mana. In the perfect world, you won't be getting hit or casting a channeled spell -- I'm optimistic.
-0/2 Improve Drain Mana because I would rather life tap than drain mana; additionally, not ever monster has mana rendering this talent useless. Life tap can be used 100% of the time, Drain Mana can not.
Improve Lash of Pain 2/2 because I do not like to be the blood pact warlock and the succubus is my pet of choice for damage.
Intensity 0/2, same reason for Fel Concentration -- I'm optimistic and dream of the perfect world. Also, you're not going to be casting the aoe spells a lot, mainly Shadow Bolt from the destruction spellbook.
If you are the blood pact warlock go 2/2 in Intensity instead of Improve Lash of Pain.
I recommend building into this after you're full pre-raid BiS and you have no reason to go into dungeons, and do not intend to do much pvp.