PET ABILITYS - Completly fucked?

PET ABILITYS - Completly fucked?

by Darkwinjax » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:39 am

Why can't I find any post of other warlocks noticing this?

Spell lock literally has a 5-10 seconds delay, it's fucking impossible to get a responsive action from most pets,

Devour Magic feels like cancer to use.

My voidwalker sometimes swaps all abilitys, Sacrifice has exactly same problem as spell lock but with less delay.

I don't think i'm lagging cause everything else seems fine, how can something so important not be fixed? Literally breaking PvP vs every caster.
lookin like a school shooter when i walk into these halls
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Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: PET ABILITYS - Completly fucked?

by Aunstic » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:45 am

Delete your WDB folder and restart you client.
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Re: PET ABILITYS - Completly fucked?

by Yeaok » Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:02 am

pets only as good as the master
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Re: PET ABILITYS - Completly fucked?

by Codeine » Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:01 am

Seduce blows dick hey, it will cast seduce but if someone line of sights it and cancels its cast, the succubus just stands there channeling nothing, it wont try and get line of sight. Also seduce cancels randomly when seduce is cast at max range, the target with be slept but then cancel immediately. Very frustrating.

I've gone to seduce someone, it casts it and the target isnt effected, and the succubus stands there channeling nothing.

Also sometimes I can't cast spell lock while casting wtf.
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