hardconeblazer wrote:I've been trying to use the drain soul macro with that turns pet on passive and deletes the soul shards outside of your bag but i dont seem to be able to get it working as im a bit of a noob.
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)
/run local a=Small Soul Pouch(4); PickupContainerItem(3,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem() else end
/run pet follow():
thats the closest ive come, my bag is a small soul pouch, however when i use this macro my pet doesnt stop attacking and i get a pop up on screen that says [string "pet follow():"]:1: '=' expected near follow'
could anyone help me fix this please?
I can't investigate further right now, but that means the code you've written isn't properly formatted, for example, you initialize a variable you never use.