Darkwinjax wrote:ITT : people with 0 clue how to PvP and -100 clue on how to warlock
SM / ruin is ONLY legit warlock build, conflag specs are fun if you are into solo pvp or pugging but terrible in prem vs prem, SL / Whatever is useless since you don't get ruin on either of the specs, and opting for shadowburn will leave you with melee range Fear + Dots, going for SL / nightfall leaves you without shadowburn and 3 sec Sbolt + 2 sec immolate.
Stop posting retarded shit if u are shit at pvp and have no idea what you are talking about, just spreads misinformation and makes our class look like it's played by retards.
troll mage is bad compared to UD mage? Stop relying so much on racials, I can tell you mindgem + berserk == or >> WotF
Level engineering to 300
Get consumables (FAPS / LIPS / SWIFTNESS)
Spec SM / Ruin
And this finishes the "Alliance / Horde PvP as Lock".
It doesnt really make sense that you put so much value on spec....regardless of extra factors, but then turn around and belittle the idea of putting value on race.....and list a bunch of....extra factors. Why not just put *some* value on everything, including race, spec, faction, engineering, alchemy, etc etc etc etc????
There are definitely times when berserking is better than wotf, but there are also times when wotf is better than berserking. It is up to the individual to decide which they want, but you can identify trends that affect the comparison. For example (looking at troll vs UD in general): berserking is more of a gamechanger for spellcasters than for melee.
Similarly, there ARE times when SL or conflag are better than SM/ruin, as well as times when SM/ruin is better than other specs. It is up to the individual to decide. Obviously the majority of individuals have decided they prefer SM/ruin. But, I think its worth thinking about, that SM/ruin works best with heavy CC. If an alliance warlock was on the fence already (because he likes tanking rogues, or he thinks conflag is super fun), maybe its worth considering that half of all warlocks have more reliable CC than him, so half of all warlocks have more reason to be SM/ruin than him. The meta will be slightly skewed for him.
Also, regarding scaling, SM is not the only +% warlock talent. There are plenty of talents both in demo and deep-destro that scale nicely. Again, SM/ruin isnt shit, I just think you might be a bit blinded by the meta.