by TastyTaste » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:34 am
Helm - Strat ud
Neck - strat ud
Shoulders - scholo
Chest - bloodvine (In the mean time dm west)
Bracers - dm north/ felheart(BoE, lots of stam)
Gloves - crafted felcloth (In the mean time, crafted dreamweave should be super cheap)
Belt - Strat ud av/ab(Ab probably best possible option for pre-raid bis)
Pants - bloodvine (In the mean time lbrs)
Boots - bloodvine (in the mean time strat ud)
Ring #1 - band of the unicorn/ wsg (honored)
Ring #2 - eye of orgrimmar (have fun with this chain quest, is there an alliance equivelant?) Maiden's circle (Ah/world drop)
Trinket #1 - dm library book/ the ony quest chain (Any varification if theres an alliance equivelant?)
Trinket #2 - briarwood reed
Main hand - dm west
Off hand - Av rep, Ah 20+ sp
Staff - Warlock quest(1% hit), Tribute run (1% crit)
Wand - lots of options overall, Scholo int/sp wand
Whole reason i listed this was to give you options on items you can get in the mean time to make farming craftable items bit more smooth.
If you're tailoring farm you the felcloth gloves recipe out of dm tribute/north, then farm satyr's runes/cloth (Azshara, Felwood are great spots. Fast respawns and plenty to share).
Once you approach the listed gear above (I'd use the most life possible out of your gear, have a farming set raiding set) try lasher runs pretty solid and you can go at your own pace with out having other factions mess with you, use voidwalker.
Best place to farm currently (debatably) is cc rep farm, thats a whole explanation in itself. didn't bother listing the items but theres plenty of upgradable options from the list i provided above, weapon/ring/shoulders <-- personally i'd use those shoulders over razorgore's shoulders out of bwl only once i obtain nef's helm (Currently r10 helm/shoulders equiped).
Lots of info but i hope it helps, can't remember the names (Mainly can't remember the spelling) of the items but if you have atlas loot should give you a general idea of what im talking about.