Need clarification on the "Aftermath" talent

Need clarification on the "Aftermath" talent

by Raserisk » Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:02 am


- Gives your Destruction Spells 2/4/6/8/10% chance to daze the target for 5 seconds.

So essentially my question is, what exactly does "daze" mean in this instance? I picked up the talent thinking that daze implied that the target would be stunned for 5 seconds but instead what happens is that the target receives a movement slow.

Is this working as intended and just poor wording or is it actually bugged?
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Re: Need clarification on the "Aftermath" talent

by Hawksworth » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:46 am

This is working correctly.

Daze in wow means the target is slowed, or snared as it is more often called. This is the same effect as frostbolt, hamstring, wing clip, crippling poison etc...

I remember back in vanilla I confused dazed with stun on my warrior, I was expecting piercing howl to be a mass stun, big disappoint...:P

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