Lifealert wrote:My worst fight is razergore. I do everrything i'm suposed to do such as using sp as often as I can and using sb as much as possible. My ping is 150-160, and I can't provide footage due to hardware limitations (my ingame framerate would drop significantly). I've watched your bwl recording and try to mimick you but to no avail. Can you pleaae provide some tips?
Also consumes are a non-issue. The only one I don't use for this fight is blasted lands int buff.
You can't really hesitate when you see a mob. You have to know what you're going to do as soon as you see one. I honestly never use corruption, even if i'm shadow mastery spec. Also try and keep shadowburn on cooldown. Elixir of greater firepower is nice here as well. And most importantly, keep looking around the room, even while dps'ing mobs. If you're tunneling one area you're gonna have a bad time.
For mages: Always searing pain. They die too fast to melee.
For legionnaires: One shadowbolt usually will hit it. If there's no melee around it then you can maybe get away with two. After the sbolt use searing pain.
Dragons: Shadowbolt as much as you can until about 40-50%. Then searing//shadowburn.