Short History of (en)Slavery on a serious note, some Doomguard (and bit more) related links mentioned in previous posts Early Blizzard stance (so called ˝blue posts˝) on Doom/Inf with some intriguing lines such as "Infernals are geared for use in a group situation. Trying to solo with the Infernal is risky business, and of course Doom Guards can't be used at all outside of groups." ( ! ) ... iscussion/ Short tripple-banish enslave trick discussion, early 2005 (this seems to be nerfed/fixed a couple of months later); following link also contains some anecdotal info on enslave-relevance of Suppression: "Nope, no suppression here, although I may respec to it fairly soon. Don't generally have problems with resists anyway (in regards to Enslaving demons)" (unfortunatelly, this was early 2005, lots has changed before 1.12): An interesting Enslave-idea from late 2005; Excerpt: "I think it's ... more of sticking through 3-4 straight resists to find a couple more 3-4 minute enslaves. I guess the lesson is to not get turned off by a string of resists and wasted shards, because you can still get 7-8 minutes after that." that went unnoticed/untested further. Doomguard / Infernal stats info from September 2005:
Infernal - Doomguard - In addition to previous link(s) - late 2005 (mid November) info on Doomguard / Infernal stats: "He (Doomguard) has around 5k unbuffed HP, and 3800ish armor (About where a shaman with a 2 hander would be I suppose). Infernal's around 4700ish, with the same HP." and, bit later : "Doomguard has 90 innate FR!" Interesting, thou anecdotal, enslave reference to suppression: "I have suppression, held on to the doomguard for 4.34 , 3.45,and 2 minutes. My previous numbers were about 1,39sec,20 sec.". (This was questioned than confirmed again later in the discussion; no info on improved enslave talents or any +hit gear, his second and third enslaves look kinda short): ... him_hours/ Little enslave/duel Priest/mind control trick (better to say, exploit) that people used to perma-enslave demons (or even have more than one of them simultaneously) July-August 2006 (personal Doomguard army, anyone?): ... aved_pets/ Late Vanilla (end of 2006) Doomguard & Infernal DPS/Aggro test (note: they really DO hate us
). Bear Druid has cca 50% damage mitgation, which means Doom should be hitting/critting 300/600ish on cloth: Late Vanilla thread named ˝Enslave Demon Workshop˝, lots of interesting stuff. Some potentially VERY interesting math inside (connected with my beloved spell hit - enslave longevity connection), but to me the prime value of it is in the sheer passion of enslavers discussing, which is both addictive and very inspiring ... _workshop/ Some late Vanilla/early BC discussion on heartbeat resists (I am, naturally, mostly interested in fear and enslave, still it should make interesting read to any CCer): ... eat-resist Some additional (mid-BC) info on heartbeat resists / spell hit connection; links inside the given link have, unfortunatelly, expired but text strongly suggests the importance of Suppression talent for Fear stability, and spell hit in general for longevity of Fear/Enslave/Banish etc: PS Bit offtopic, but since we have no warlock class forums yet I´ll dump it here. For example it might be useful to any new Warlock while deciding/making some talent builds : ... msearch__1