Played Lock in WoW before. Should I roll Lock again?

Played Lock in WoW before. Should I roll Lock again?

by Tresextas » Wed May 20, 2015 3:21 am

Is Warlock a good bet for Classic WoW?

I did play during classic before dropping the game the first time. But being a typical teen I was too dumb to do much raiding or serious pvp.
As such I have little substantial experience with warlocks in Classic.
I liked them in Cata and WotLK (and late BC) when I played again but the class was extremely different then.

Re: Played Lock in WoW before. Should I roll Lock again?

by Bioness » Wed May 20, 2015 5:18 am

If you really like the theme and style of Warlocks then by all means play one. Though if you are looking for a bit of a different experience you can look at other classes too.

All classes are needed and can excel at their roles, it is all up to the player.
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