Hey guys. I half expect to just get "Blueberry" or "Voidwalker" as a response but still feel the need to ask.
At level 30 now, currents doing the Felhutner quest as I write this and wonder what your experiences are with levelling with a different pet.
Voidwalker has been my go to for the most part, but his aggro is practically non-existant. Even with both the single and AoE taunt, he can't hold aggro to save his life. I did 20-25 with Succubus (mostly because it was a ballache to get and i wanted to feel the worth) and noticed she did more damage. You'd expect this, sure, but considering Voidy can't hold aggro, is there much point in using him?
On this note, is improved voidwalker worth speccing? I don't feel like his threat is good enough to be improved near to a worthwhile standard. Then again, is this simply a case of me not DoTing up as much and being very careful about threat, even if mobs die slower?
Hope this wasn't too rambly. The Tl;DR is "Void... worth?"