Unorthodox specs

Unorthodox specs

by Syphonize » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:38 am

Hi there! I have apparently found WoW again after many years. It's been a long time. This topic is more for a little bit of fun, but anyhow! What sort of unorthodox builds have you seen from a Warlock? From a PvE perspective, most Warlocks would spec SM/Ruin, with some going DS/Ruin and a couple going MD/Ruin. I was curious if there are many unorthodox specs running that any of you are familiar with. I am aware that these might not necessarily be ideal in a top-tier raid environment, but even so, I'm a little curious.

Looking forward to your replies and I hope to see most of you ingame. :)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Unorthodox specs

by Numi » Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:04 pm

In PvE those are the only viable specs.

Things is a bit more interesting if you want to PvP or grind a lot.

My favourite is destro pvp, where you go full conflag, then either Nightfall or for a scorch build, which allows you to be a bit tankier and use the 50% resistance to interruption from the pvp gloves.

You also have two SL variants, but never tried either of them, so cant comment on if theyre both viable, but you can try SL / Shadowburn (the traditional one) or SL / Nightfall, which allows you to pick up the interrupt resist for Drain Life.
Senior Sergeant
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