Races selection

Re: Races selection

by diogenes » Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:41 pm

Numi wrote:
Sure, in sub optimal specs its a decent spell because youll not be net positive, but why are you min maxing race if youre in a bad specc?

Because its not all about grinding. Sure, if your goal is to get to 60 fastest, there is a spec that is objectively the best. but if you're planning on also incorporating dungeons and pvp into your play, you might not want the specific spec you're talking about.

There's nothing inconsistent about wanting to min/max at endgame, while preferring to play a certain way while leveling. You don't have to get to 60 as fast as humanly possible to min/max.

In any case, I agree with you. Orc, on horde, and gnome on alliance are the best races to play for pvp and pve (however, diplomacy is attractive on alliance...)
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Races selection

by Numi » Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:57 pm

diogenes wrote:
Numi wrote:
Sure, in sub optimal specs its a decent spell because youll not be net positive, but why are you min maxing race if youre in a bad specc?

Because its not all about grinding. Sure, if your goal is to get to 60 fastest, there is a spec that is objectively the best. but if you're planning on also incorporating dungeons and pvp into your play, you might not want the specific spec you're talking about.

There's nothing inconsistent about wanting to min/max at endgame, while preferring to play a certain way while leveling. You don't have to get to 60 as fast as humanly possible to min/max.

In any case, I agree with you. Orc, on horde, and gnome on alliance are the best races to play for pvp and pve (however, diplomacy is attractive on alliance...)

I dont see your point, if you want to do dungeons / pvp while leveling you play affi, if you want to cap asap you play affi, if theres anything in this game you want to min / max to the point of picking the best race, you play affi before 60, simple, its simply the best.

If you dont min / max 99% of what you do, dont focus your race pick on what is the best, focus on making it the one you enjoy playing instead, the races are basically no different in vanilla for casters, since intellect scales so poorly for spells.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Races selection

by durabigael » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:26 pm

I always played as destruction and i always will. My mana go down fast some i love life tap and cannibalize.

I Level and do bg as soon as i reach 17-27-37 etc .... I dont plan to pay a respec until i reach lv 60 to get the common 30/21 so i can get some epic , and i will go back destruction as soon i get my book from BWL.

For me its not about grinding to lv 60 the fastest as possible. Is to be the strongest as possible when leveling and to be as gear as possible in every BG bracket.


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