Hi Weezlo,
Any kind of macro?
Here is one I have found useful leveling as Affliction and juggling 2 to 3 enemies at a time to maximize kills per minute:
- Code: Select all
/run CastSpellByName("Drain Soul (Rank 1)") if UnitIsUnit("playertarget","pettarget") then PetPassiveMode() end
If you have Improved Drain Soul, you'll get increased regeneration for a few seconds after scoring a kill. The problem is, if your pet lands a killing blow it doesn't count as you killing the target to proc the increased regeneration. This macro works to address that by stating if the pet's target is the same as your target, it'll put the pet in a passive state and cast Drain Soul on your target. If the pet is targeting something different than you are, this macro will let the pet continue on with his minionly duties and you'll cast Drain Soul on your target.
The macro stipulates Drain Soul Rank 1, because frankly it's a terrible spell for damage. It's best to just hit it when the enemy is near death, at which point you want to consume the least amount of mana possible, thus Rank 1.