by Drain » Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:10 pm
Warlock isn't the most effective farmer... but can still kill mobs all day without much effort if you just slot Demonic Embrace. You really want this for the regen. It's more useful than having any pet out. Ideally you want 30/21, then just eat your void for health regen. Mobs will struggle to even hurt you through the healing while they die to dots. I suggest you slot 3/3 void as well because the instant summon can be helpful for when people try to gank you. Can't tell you how many times raid geared gankers have died to my scrublock because I just instant popped a void then shielded for 2500. You may as well max the stone and health while you're at it, as there's no where better to spend points. Assuming you are on PvP like me, eventually you will be ganked.