by Drain » Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:09 am
It's funny seeing this idiot from previous threads call my build "retarded" and "terrible" while I actively pwn people covered in epics using said build(on a scrub that's never raided, mind you). Maybe you should try things first eh? You regularly shun things on these boards you don't seem to know anything about. Soul Link is actually powerful as hell in PvP. I ran it back in Classic and I'm running it again now for BGs. If I cared to, I could go into higher ranks with it. I regularly kill raid geared Alliance. Hell just earlier I ran into 1vs1 with a fully decked out raid Warlock that fired his fancy raid SP trink and "still" lost vs me. This kind of shit happens every BG I go into. Keep in mind my alt Warlock that don't raid has zero purples except the AV book and BoE Felhearts. Other items include such classy equipment as Sergeant's Cloak, Blood of the Martyr, 2/8 Dreadmist(armor bonus ftw), and Stormrager. I have weak SP and no Bloodvine either. Point is Soul Link kicks fucking ass.
For builds there's either 20/31, or 9/31/11, both of which are competitive. Personally I prefer 20/31, because Paladins do not have Earthshock, meaning I don't have to worry about having my tree locked as often. I just fish for Nightfall procs(with a green fishing pole). The second build is less vulnerable to cs because Shadow Bolt will cast in 2.5s(half the channel time of Drain Life) and you don't have an overly obvious bright green beam announcing to the entire world that your spell tree is open. But I like sucking people down, especially when all of these Chinese in my late night BGs are too god damn stupid to Pummel/Kick my spells.
When it comes to the dispel... yes, Soul Link can be dispelled, but they have to hit the PET, not the player. I remember this from back in retail, and I tested it for Nostalrius. Whether you are Alliance or not though, no one ever tries to dispel a pet, so basically Soul Link will never be dispelled. I only ever lose my Soul Link when the pet gets banished(HF with 180 resist), dies(most common), or despawns with lease range.