I´m getting frequently asked for advise on how to improve the gameplay in order to play on a more competitive level by other players.
While theorycraft related questions can be answered rather easy in a chat conversation, tips and tricks can not (except for ofc the stupid singletarget rotation).
I´d like to offer everyone that is intrested my help.
What´s needed:
- Record a (for your guild) typical raid
- Upload it (If you stream, Twitch.tv will - if you wish - save the broadcast for two weeks) to either Twitch or Youtube. (if you upload on twitch, make sure to highlight just the raid)
- Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q5XldgQG4g, https://www.twitch.tv/schmutzberth/v/53391162
- Whisper me ingame, give me the link.
- Tell me where exactly you seek advise. Your guilds tactics will be different from what I do. I won´t judge the tactic nor will I give you advise on how you should change your tactics.
- I´ll gladly give you an overview on what small changes we went through in order to maximize our (shadow-)casters performance.
Please note: This is exclusively about gameplay. Theorycraft and it´s researches are expected to be done by you. It´s an 11 year old game. Everything has been written down in the past years.
My references:
I´m playing in <Coalition>, one of the most competitive (hi @ 11 year old game) guilds on the server. Tryharding is my passion .
I´m leading the warlocks RaidStats rankings on Realmplayers as #1 since last year octobre by a huge margin. That goes for both dungeons, Molten Core and Black Wing Lair.
I´m playing vanilla since about three years and was the classleader for one of the two casterclasses in (hi @ 11 year old game) top guilds on the projects I´ve been playing.
Black Wing Lair average DPS (warlock class)
http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranki ... ssLimit=Wl
Black Wing Lair average DPS (all classes)
http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranki ... sLimit=All
Molten Core average DPS (warlock class)
http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranki ... ssLimit=Wl
Molten Core average DPS (all classes)
http://realmplayers.com/RaidStats/Ranki ... &realm=NRB
This is a free service and as such it might - depending on my schedule - take a while to watch and comment your replays. However, if you feel I was able to help you tips (ingame currency only) are of course apreciated.
Other ways of educating yourself:
For those not being intrested or able to stream or record their raids but still want to learn something, I´m streaming my raids on a weekly basis on my twitchstream (http://www.twitch.tv/schmutzberth). I got Teamspeak activated, you can hear what´s going on at what point of time. Also I´m helping with the raidleading, and I took over some not nessesarily typical jobs for warlocks such as pulling mobs in the supressionroom (Curse pulls instant compared to a shot from the hunter that has traveltime), pulling and kiting the lap-packs in BWL, pulling trash in MC (surgers, giants, dogs). If you got questions to things that you notice in the stream, you can of course ask me ingame about it (once again, just gameplay, no theorycraft)