by Drain » Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:05 pm
Undead Rogues are a problem for Alliance Warlocks yes... but you know what's a problem for Horde Rogues? Perception(which stacks with Felhunter buff, meaning they see you about a mile away). In fact, almost every Alliance racial is a problem for Horde Rogues. Perception, Shadowmeld, and Stoneform all make life harder for Rogues. Who has these? Almost everyone on the whole Alliance(More than 75%, as Human/Elf were more popular than Gnome). Horde Rogues also have to fight Paladins, which is much more problematic than Shamans. Where as Shamans are easy gank targets, Horde Rogue has to deal with plate, Divine Shield, Protection, Freedom, and Hammer of Justice. So is your logic now that there won't be any Horde Rogues?
There's always going to be some matchup between race X and Y or with CD Z that's in favor of one side over another. It doesn't mean that a faction(or race) won't use a class. Similarly, if you're Horde as Warrior, you have no gear competition for plate, but that didn't stop anyone from rolling the class on Alliance. Most people will take the race they like, as well you should, and not be concerned with min/maxing their class's potential.