Improved Drain Soul Confirmation

Re: Improved Drain Soul Confirmation

by Lorilay » Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:55 pm

I use it on my warlock for leveling and can pretty much pull mobs continuously with it. The only annoying bit is that with my current gear full dots don't kill the mobs I'm farming, so you need to be pretty precise with the rank 1 drain soul macro to get the benefit.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Improved Drain Soul Confirmation

by slimanes13 » Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:50 pm

Is this going to get fixed? The tooltip CLEARLY says "if the target dies while you drain it's soul" except it only happens when you get the killing blow, which makes this talent total garbage. Especially if you're doing an instance or grouped up. It will NEVER trigger.

Fix this please, this feels like 2 wasted points.

Re: Improved Drain Soul Confirmation

by Lorilay » Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:31 pm

slimanes13 wrote:Is this going to get fixed? The tooltip CLEARLY says "if the target dies while you drain it's soul" except it only happens when you get the killing blow, which makes this talent total garbage. Especially if you're doing an instance or grouped up. It will NEVER trigger.

Fix this please, this feels like 2 wasted points.

It's the same as it was on retail (similar to the priest shadow talent), although I think your pet used to count as a killing blow. If someone else killed the mob you wouldn't get the regen bonus. Just make a macro to set your pet to passive when you drain soul and it's an amazing talent for grinding mobs on.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major


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