Drain wrote:Again you post more worthless dribble that just wastes space and does nothing to support your argument(if it can so be called). Insulting people does not help your cause; quite the opposite. Instead of asking someone if you should elaborate on your point, you should already be doing it, having taken the time to post in the first place. Notice I didn't just insult people favoring Orc. I actually explained why I'd pick Undead. That is what you should be doing(although in reverse, technically). I'm generous enough to invest my valuable time to advise you with all of this. I hope you appreciate it. It should have already been common knowledge for forums however...
Your opinion has no say in this what so ever, you already have trinket removal + felhunter for all fear / charm effects in the game, on the other hand as an orc you get a 25% chance to resist stuns from rogues / warriors / grenades / tidal charm / paladins / hunters / bash, resisting any of this spells is HUGE and can turn a whole fight arround even more insane that you get a 1/4 chance to do it. I honestly don't give 2 shits about your opinion cause it's wrong, when it comes to races it's orc > ud > human = gnome (i still consider gnome superior since paranoia + perception still not enough to get through vanish).
This only gets worse in TBC where mace stun is a reality and the 25% stun resist really becomes really noticable throughout long games, on top of this Will of the Forsaken will be even more diminshed and on par with Perception since Paranoia + perception is insane for rogue / lock in 2v2 (Not to say that Will of the Forsaken is not the best racial in the game, it just isn't for warlocks).
cannabalize is literally useless in the large spectrum and if you say that the 25% chance isn't dependable while saying shit like the shadow resistance is nice (ofc it's nice shadow resistance is fucking bugged on this server) that has a (bugged higher than its supposed to) chance to resist a shadow spell. Just shut up and think before you post shit like "wotf is hands down the better choice".