by marcl » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:45 am
My main was Warlock back in retail vanilla... PvP rank Lieutenant Comander but I also had 2 x 60 priests, a 60 rogue, a 60 druid and a few other bits and pieces. Come to think of it I've never had a lvl 60 plate wearer.
As Warlock I've done all of MC, Ony, BWL, 1 or 2 Nax and 4 or 5 into AQ and I could solo the enemy captain in AV.
As a Destruction spec you can do massive damage in very little time on the front line. As an Affliction spec you can dot and keep your distance. The potential DPS of this spec is stupid - when you can have 6 or 7 corruptions up at the same time doing enough damage as is, and to ALSO proc Shadow Trance faster than you can click Shadow Bolt is just awesome. And demon spec.... geeze it's been so long I can't remember specifics but that's probably what I did to solo the enemy captain in AV who's name escapes me... that Orc dude.
Useless in raids?
Soulstone has saved hours of time recovering from raid wipes. Healthstones don't share the same countdown as health pots so why wouldn't they be useful? Summon no use?
Geeze... I feel bad for someone who thinks a Warlock is useless in raids. Maybe that's the consensus in a lot of guilds (???) and they act as a roadblock to you enjoying end game as a Warlock but they'd be the guilds I'd want to avoid anyway... clearly the members don't understand the game.
I rolled Warlock again for nostalgia