Denbts - You can't trust anything on db.vanillagaming 100%. Those item stats are only their final 1.12.1 versions and many items had many changes to them along the way. Additionally, you're linking the updated level 60 pvp items (coming in 1.7) rather than the current level 58 pvp items. For instance, the gloves on the live server have 0 dmg/healing. You're not wrong that boots / shoulders are better than maleki's + felcloth though.
In regards to Nemesis, we know that the set has intermediate stats between it's current version and it's final version:
Current: ... ?setid=212
Intermediate: ... ?setid=212
Intermediate 2: ... ?setid=212
Final: ... ?setid=212
The whole thing is pretty much a mess and I'm glad I'm not the one who has to figure out what gets buffed when.